Back to All Videos Heckle & Jeckle Type: Series Genre: Animation, Cartoons, Comedy, Family Year: 1946, 1947, 1950 Heckle & Jeckle are a pair of identical magpies who always end up causing problems to others and for themselves with their bizarre antics. Label: Popflix Interested in Licensing This Video? Use the form below to provide the essentials of your request and we will be in touch as soon as possible. FULL NAME COMPANY EMAIL(Required) PHONESONG / VIDEO TITLE(S)(Required) ALBUM NAME(Required) USE CATEGORY(Required)Choose oneMovieInternet ProductionTelevisionAdvertisingMusic Production / SamplingSCOPE OF USE(Required) the full scope of your intended useTERRITORY DESIRED(Required) PROPOSED COMPENSATION(Required) CAPTCHA