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Relaxing Bach

Artist: Thomas Hamilton

Genre: Classical

Label: Reflections

UPC: 96741142925

Catalog ID: 37223

Track Listing

Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major / BWV 1068: II. Air on the G String


Hunting Catana / BWV 208: IX. Sheep May Safely Graze


French Suites No. 2 in C Minor / BWV 813: V. Minuet


Prelude and Fugue No. 1 in C Major / BWV 846: I. the Well-Tempered Clavier


Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben / BWV 147: X. Jesu / Joy of Man's Desiring


Piano Concerto No. 5 in F Minor / BWV 1056: II. Largo


French Suite No. 4 in E Flat / BWV 815: VI. Minuet


Wachet auf / ruft uns die Stimme / BWV. 140: Sleepers Awake


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