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Image for Offenbach: Bluebeard

Offenbach: Bluebeard


Genre: Classical, Opera

Label: Opera d’Oro

Track Listing

Bluebeard: Ouverture

Bluebeard: Dans la nature

Bluebeard: Y'a des bergers

Bluebeard: Sur la place il

Bluebeard: Ah! Prends mon

Bluebeard: V'la z'encor de

Bluebeard: Boulotte! Saper

Bluebeard: Montez sur ce p

Bluebeard: Ma premiere fem

Bluebeard: Honneur! Honneu

Bluebeard: C'est un metier

Bluebeard: On prend un ang

Bluebeard: C'est mon berge

Bluebeard: Ran / plan / plan

Bluebeard: Voici cet heure

Bluebeard: Le voila donc,

Bluebeard: Vous avez vu ce

Bluebeard: Hola! Hola! Ca

Bluebeard: Une / deux / troi

Bluebeard: Madame / ah! Mad

Bluebeard: Nous arrivons

Bluebeard: Idee heureuse,

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