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Mysterious Places

Artist: Dan Gibson's Solitudes

Genre: Ambient, New Age

Label: Solitudes

UPC: 96741229824

Catalog ID: 46476

For millennia, humans have erected monuments—to themselves, to their achievements, to their deities. Whether hidden atop a mountain, strewn along an island coastline or built up in the middle of the desert, these works hold us collectively rapt. Stunning in beauty and compelling in design, they are messages from earlier versions of ourselves, precious time capsules, preserving the energy and spirit of great civilizations and evolving peoples. In this album, we take you on eight magical journeys with original music inspired by some of the most intriguing places that have long maintained a hold on our shared imagination.
Journey to the most mysterious places on earth with these powerful soundscapes – a beguiling blend of composer Donald Quan’s atmospheric music and the indigenous sounds of each locale.

Track Listing

The Pyramids


Ankgor Wat




Machu Picchu




Chichen Itza


The Great Wall


Easter Island


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