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Forest Piano

Artist: John Herberman

Genre: New Age, Relaxation

Label: Solitudes

UPC: 96741412622

Catalog ID: 10939

At first, the forest appears to be a maze, where every tree looks the same and the sounds of nature are little more than noise. But after entering this peaceful haven, you begin to notice the intriguing details of a complex ecosystem- squirrels chasing each other playfully, seedlings sprouting from the forest floor, a nervous deer dashing away. You stop and close your eyes. Sweet songbirds sing a familiar tune, a flowing stream whispers its gentle trill and the wind brushes the leaves overhead. Leaning back against the trunk of an enormous oak, you admire how nature and its enchanting sounds exist in harmony.
Listen, as the piano guides you more deeply into the heart of the forest. Each note, each chord, draws you into this natural sanctuary. Like a few other instruments, the piano’s expression is both alluring and reflective. On this album, the relaxing compositions by John Herberman, Richard Evans, and Gordon Sheard range from the melodic to textural and mirror the captivating rhythm of the forest.
Forest Piano presents a peaceful escape from the complexity and stress of everyday life. Within this majestic refuge a peaceful escape from the complexity and stress of everyday life. Within this majestic refuge, you experience a refreshingly simple place that makes problems seem trivial. Here, old and new grounds thrive and species large and small co-exist in a perfect, natural order. Let these charming piano compositions and beautiful nature sounds lead you on a serene walk in the woods.

Track Listing

A Path to Solitude


Beauty Abounds


Moody Afternoon


Ancient Stand


Summer Sublime


Chasing the Clouds


Dreaming by the Stream


Hymn to the Old Growth


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