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Canada: Naturally Beautiful

Artist: Dan Gibson's Solitudes

Genre: Nature, New Age

Label: Solitudes

UPC: 96741250927

Catalog ID: 48022

Founded in 1867, Canada is considered young as a country. But its vast geographic diversity and astounding natural beauty are timeless. From lush old-growth forests and sprawling mountain peaks to sweeping tallgrass prairies and meandering coastlines, each locale is alive with colour and rich with history. In respectful tribute, composer John Herberman presents Canada: Naturally Beautiful, a stirring orchestral score complemented by the celebrated nature sound recordings of Solitudes founder Dan Gibson. Worthy of a big-screen epic, the album magnificently portrays a proud nation and resonates with quiet power. At once poignant and jubilant, intimate, and restorative, Canada explores the farthest frontiers of a glorious land and creates a deeply moving listening experience that lingers long after the last golden note fades.

Track Listing

Glorious and Free


Song of the Soul




Wonder in the Mist


Waves of Gold


Tracing the Heavens


Soaring Splendour


Ancient Spirit


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