Back to All Videos Heckle & Jeckle Type: Series Genre: Animation, Cartoons, Comedy, Family Year: 1946, 1947, 1950 Heckle & Jeckle are a pair of identical magpies who always end up causing problems to others and for themselves with their bizarre antics. Label: Popflix Interested in Licensing This Video? Use the form below to provide the essentials of your request and we will be in touch as soon as possible. FULL NAMECOMPANYEMAIL(Required) PHONESONG / VIDEO TITLE(S)(Required)ALBUM NAME(Required)USE CATEGORY(Required)Choose oneMovieInternet ProductionTelevisionAdvertisingMusic Production / SamplingSCOPE OF USE(Required)the full scope of your intended useTERRITORY DESIRED(Required)PROPOSED COMPENSATION(Required)CAPTCHA